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Dance at Hackhurst Farm offers a welcoming space to reconnect with your physical instincts, responses, inner wisdom and creativity, regardless of your prior movement experience or ability. The sessions - for adults and children - are led by Laura Careless, a Sussex-based professional dancer with 20 years of international experience in performance and pedagogy, from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City to dance education consultancy for Rambert, one of the UK's most respected and progressive dance companies. 

Hosted in a beautiful repurposed barn in the heart of a community rewilding project, Dance at Hackhurst Farm reflects the ethos of its setting. Unlike many dance training systems, these sessions do not focus on a specific technique or movement style, but provide a space for you and your loved ones to express yourself through movement and enjoy an embodied experience of life together. 

Each season takes inspiration from a story from folklore or mythology, culminating in a community storytelling celebration. The focus for Autumn 2024 will be the myth of Persephone and Demeter - and the older tales that contributed to it. We'll explore themes of home and "homing", presence and absence, and resilience and creativity in uncertain times.



These sessions are intended to be widely accessible.

If you have any questions about access, or if there is anything

we can do to help you feel more comfortable before, during,

or after the sessions, please Contact Us.


Payment plans can be arranged, and bursaries may be available - please do get in touch.


Free parking on site

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